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7 Clever Smartphone Photography Tricks

Excited about your new smartphone, but never really thought of its camera as good for anything more than the occasional snap or selfie? Check out the video below where photographer Lorenz Holder uses his iPhone to demonstrate how you can use your smartphone camera for amazing photographic effects:

Here are seven smartphone photography tricks that you can try right now:
  1. Panorama Sequence. Make your panoramas fun by asking your model to move to different parts of the scene as you take the sequence.
  2. Pano Drive-By. Take a panorama from the window of a moving vehicle.
  3. Zoom Lens. Use binoculars as a zoom lens.
  4. Macro Lens. Put a small drop of water on the lens for a macro effect.
  5. Reflector. Just because you’re using your smartphone doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive for good lighting. A car foil screen can be used as a reflector. This is especially handy for portraits.
  6. Tripod & Shutter Cable. Reduce camera shake by building yourself a miniature tripod with a few pieces of cardboard. Then use the volume control on your headphones as a shutter release.
  7. Underwater Housing. Place your smartphone in a clear glass to simulate underwater housing.
What do you think?
The Glass as Underwater Housing Trick
The DIY zoom lens, macro lens, tripod, and shutter cable are downright ingenious. The underwater housing tip, however, seems a bit risky. It may be wiser to buy a cheap underwater camera than to put your smartphone underwater.

smartphone photography ideas
The Panodash
Try these tricks and share your results in the comments!


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